Call for Applications to the Erasmus+ Mobility Grant to Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai
FIU Global is pleased to announce the call for applications for one (1) Erasmus+ mobility with our European partner Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (UBB), Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania.
The mobility for 2025-2026 which was awarded by the European Commission and the Romanian national agency to UBB for FIU faculty and staff to travel to UBB can be for either teaching mobility or training mobility.
When applying, please ensure to specify which type of mobility (teaching OR training) you are applying to. Note that a teaching mobility will require eight (8) hours of speaking/teaching engagements, such as workshop, guest lecture, or the like to be planned by the applicant in coordination with UBB. Also, for the teaching mobility, per the Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement between FIU and UBB, the subjects are limited to Public Administration, Political Science, Journalism, and Public Health and would take place within UBB's Faculty of Political, Administrative, and Communication Sciences.
Conversely, for the training mobility, it would not be limited to any particular subject or discipline, and this could involve several active or passive engagements depending on the plan submitted by the applicant. For faculty applicants, teaching mobilities are strongly recommended; for staff applicants, training mobilities are recommended.
The Erasmus+ mobility grant (whether teaching or training) is awarded for seven (7) days out of which a minimum of five (5) days must be on-sight at UBB, and two (2) days are slotted for travel (arrival/departure).
With your application, please outline your anticipated travel dates, as well. Travel has to be completed prior to March 1st, 2026 (03/01/2026) for this round of Erasmus+ mobility grants. Teaching mobilities are only possible during semesters, i.e. prior to June 1, 2025 for AY 24-25, and again after the start of the AY 25-26 Fall semester.
In terms of eligibility, the applicant has to be a full-time FIU employee (no citizenship requirement). For teaching mobilities, only full-time faculty members (non-tenure-track, tenured, tenure-track) are eligible.
For the training mobility grant, any full-time FIU employee is eligible (administrative personnel, staff, faculty). Part-time employees, students, or adjunct faculty are not eligible for this Erasmus+ mobility grant.
Due Dates for Erasmus+ Mobilities 2025-26 (no extensions can be granted):
March 1st | Call for Applications published |
March 14th (0:00 AM EDT) | Application submissions open (first day application submission is possible) |
March 28th (5:00 PM EDT) | Application submissions deadline (last day application submission is possible) |
April 2nd | Results of the selection committee with be communicated |
April 3rd-4th | Session of appeals |
April 5th | Final results of the selection commitee will be communicated |
Please submit your application via email to including:
(1) A completed and signed (wet/ink signature) staff application form, which can be downloaded here
(2) An up-to-date curriculum vitae
(3) A motivation letter which contains three sections: (a) personal/professional motivation, (b) proposed mobility program, (c) benefits to FIU
(*Email and all attachments have to be received by March 28th, 2025, 5:00 PM EDT to be eligible for the selection committee to review it as part of this round of 2025-26 Erasmus+ mobility grants; emailed applications cannot be accepted)