International Travel Committee

It’s all about your safety

FIU’s students, faculty and staff who travel internationally are urged to inform themselves of legal and institutional requirements as well as safety, health and other risks related to their travel destination(s). The better a traveler is informed and prepared, the more they can focus on achieving academic goals while abroad.

The International Travel Committee (ITC) has been charged by the provost with leading the university community in following best practices when it comes to traveling internationally. We are here to help you prepare for your trip with guidance on:

  • Policies and procedures
  • On-campus traveler resources
  • Global travel assistance and insurance for students, employees and affiliated travelers
Committee Chair

Birgitta "Gitta" Rausch-Montoto, Director, FIU Global

Departmental representatives

  • Department of Emergency Management: Amy Aiken, Assistant Vice President
  • Office of Education Abroad: Rosa Fuste, Associate Director
  • Office of the General Counsel: Liz Marston, Deputy General Counsel; Ryan Kelley, Associate General Counsel
  • Office of Research & Economic Development: William Anderson, Professor and Assoc. Vice President; Tonja Moore, Assoc. Vice President
  • Office of Risk Management: Alexander Fals, Director
  • University Compliance & Integrity: Jennifer LaPorta, Chief Compliance Officer
FIU student Susana Fuertes with business leaders in Bahrain

For students

Students conduct research, carry out field work, present their work, collaborate with others, and engage in projects all across the world. No matter if you travel as part of a group, with faculty, or on your own, we want to ensure that you are well prepared prior to departure.

The Office of Education Abroad provides guidance and resources and approves international stduent trips. Please start planning your travels early and contact: 

Office of Education Abroad at 305-348-1913 or

Prof. Angela Salmon at a school visit in Madrid, Spain

For faculty and staff

Regardless if you are traveling abroad to gain or distribute new knowledge, teach, collaborate on projects or conduct field work or meet with global partners, you need to plan your trip way in advance to meet all federal, state and institutional requirements. The trip must be approved by FIU prior to departure. 

Visit Global Travel Resources for Employees to find out more. Employees who have additional questions should contact:

FIU Global at 786-232-1084 or