Fulbright Program

FIU is a Top Producer of Fulbright U.S. Scholars 



February 13, 2024 - Building on the success from previous years, FIU is among the Top 5 U.S. doctoral institutions that produced the most Fulbright U.S. Scholars in 2023-2024, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announced in the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Six scholars from FIU were awarded Fulbright grants for work in the fields of biology, epidemiology, math/statistics, modern languages, jazz music and musicology. Additionally, a seventh scholar, representing criminology and criminal justice, earned a “triple Fulbright,” a rare award that involves a multi-country project to be conducted over a two-year period. (Two other scholars were also named, but were ultimately unable to represent FIU overseas.)

The Fulbright program is the U.S. government’s competitive flagship international educational exchange program. It awards grants to U.S. faculty and administrators to conduct research, teach or conduct professional projects. It also offers exchanges for U.S. students to study or teach English abroad.

In recognition of FIU's extensive partnership in promoting and facilitating Fulbright exchanges, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) recognizes FIU as one of a small select group of Hispanic Serving Institution Leaders

Fulbright logo HSI leader badge 2024 fulbright-badge_hsi_2023_500x500.jpgfulbright-badge_hsi_badge.pngfulbright-badge_hsi_badge.png

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) and offers over 400 awards for teaching, research or to carry out a professional project in 135 countries. Opportunities are available for faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and others. In addition to several new program models designed to meet the changing needs of U.S. academics and professionals, Fulbright offers flexible awards including multi-country opportunities.

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program online program overview,  catalog of awards, the Fulbright scholar directory and upcoming and archived webinars offer a good starting point for faculty and international education administrators to gain insights into the many exciting opportunities for engagement across the world.

Since the program is highly competitive, we recommend that you reach out to one of FIU's Fulbright Program Campus Liaisons (see below) for additional guidance. 



Faculty and students at University of Algarve, Portugal with FIU professor Ligia Collado-Vides (second from right)

Fulbright Specialist Program

The Fulbright Specialist Program is a unique opportunity for U.S. academics and established professionals to engage in two- to six-weeks, project-based exchanges at host institutions in 160 countries across the globe. It is designed to bring specialized expertise to the host institution abroad. 

The Fulbright Specialist Program online program overview and the eligibility and award description offer a good starting point for interested faculty and senior administrators. 

Meet FIU's Fulbright Specialists!

On the left: Rob Guerrette, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, with the National Police Commissioner of Iceland’s Center for Police Training and Professional Development


Hosting a Visiting (non-U.S.) Fulbright Scholar

Under the Visiting Fulbright Scholar Program, non-U.S. scholars apply in their home country for a Fulbright grant to carry out advanced research or lecturing at U.S. institutions. Or, where FIU is interested in the academic expertise of a scholar abroad, FIU submits an application for a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence. A short-term hosting opportunity offers the Fulbright Outreach Lecturing Fund (OLF) program. The OLF program sponsors visiting scholars who are already at a U.S. institution to travel within the U.S. and give a guest lecture at another institution, generally over 2-3 days.

Interested in hosting a Fulbright Visiting Scholar? Contact your Fulbright Program Campus Liaisons (see below) to get started.

Meet FIU's Fulbright Visiting Scholars.  

First from the right: Dr. Amit Ranjan, Scholar-in-Residence from India 2020-2021 celebrating FIU Language Day with Fulbright Language Teaching Assistants and FIU students.      


FIU Fulbright Alumni

FIU's count of Fulbright alumni continues to grow annually. A comprehensive list of Fulbright U.S. Scholars can be found here

Once a Fulbrighter, always a Fulbrighter! These articles highlight some of the most recent Fulbright grantees and their inspirational work abroad as well as on our campus. 

FIU's most active program alumnus is Dr. Emmanuel Roussakis, Professor Emeritus of Finance, who has been abroad as a Fulbright Scholar in Romania and as a Fulbright Specialist in Russia, Indonesia, Morocco, Kuwait and Tunis between the years 2010 and 2020. 

Meet FIU's Fulbright Program Champion: Iqbal Akthar, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and International Relations, who not only traveled to Pakistan to collaborate with faculty and mentor students there, he also hosted two Fulbright Scholars in Residence and four Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistants at FIU. 

They say "there is a Fulbright for everyone." Learn about FIU Fulbright Specialist awardees and the Fulbright International Education Administrator awardee who work on short-term projects with or visit partner institutions to advance the field of international eduation. 


"Fulbright has allowed me to supercharge my global citizenship. The relationships you form and contributions you make are truly life changing. Especially in these times of a global crisis, programs like these remind us that we are all connected and solutions are always global. While my time in Brazil was cut short due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Fulbright has been amazing at giving us support along the way, and online collaboration has allowed me to keep working with my colleagues in Brazil."

Associate Professor Carolin Lusby, Fulbright Scholar to Brazil in 2020-2021

Fulbright Program Campus Liaisons

Our Fulbright Program Campus Liaisons are pleased to support faculty and staff with applying for a grant or hosting a visiting (non-U.S.) Fulbright scholar at FIU.

assefa-melesse1.jpg Assefa Melesse
 Fulbright Program Campus Liaison
 Fulbright U.S. Scholar to Ethiopia (2011-12)
 Professor, Department of Earth & Environment

 Birgitta "Gitta" Rausch-Montoto
 Fulbright Program Campus Liaison
 Director of Global Strategy & Faculty Success, FIU Global