Dr. Ming Fang
Dr. Ming Fang is an Associate Teaching Professor in English and the Associate Director at the Writing Across the Curriculum Program at Florida International University. She teaches both upper- and lower-division writing courses. She was one of the first group of faculty at FIU who incorporated COIL into her courses. In her ENC 3378 Writing Across the Borders course, she consistently incorporates COIL into her curriculum. She has collaborated with faculty members from China, Colombia, Brazil and Chile on various COIL projects. She has participated in many COIL workshops to enhance her own knowledge and expertise in COIL. Her most recent completed COIL project asked students to investigate the effects of Pandemic on Education, resulting in a series of student-created podcast "Global Pandemic, Local stories". Dr. Fang and her Brazilian faculty partner Dr. Tenani will be presenting their COIL collaboration in 2023 Conference on College Composition and Communication and the International Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Annual Convention.
Dr. Ming Fang's research interests include second language writing, multilingual writing pedagogy, transnational writing program administration, and writing across the curriculum. Currently, she serves on the Editorial Board of WAC Repository.
Student COIL Artifact
PhD, the Ohio State University, Multicultural and Multilingual Education
M.Ed., Boston University, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
B.A., Wuhan University, English